Travelling with Kids: 20 Top Tips for a Stress-Free Journey

Travelling with children can be both a rewarding and challenging experience. While exploring new destinations and creating lasting memories as a family is incredibly fulfilling, it’s no secret that kids, especially younger ones, can make the journey more complex. However, with careful planning and a positive attitude, you can turn your family trips into delightful adventures. Here are some tips to ensure a stress-free journey when travelling with children.

Top 20 Tips for Travelling With Children

1. Plan Ahead

One of the key ingredients to a successful family trip is meticulous planning. Start by researching your destination, including family-friendly activities and accommodations. Create a flexible itinerary that accounts for rest breaks, mealtimes, and entertainment for the kids. The more you plan, the smoother your trip will go.

2. Pack Wisely

Packing efficiently is crucial when travelling with kids. Make a comprehensive packing list, and don’t forget essentials like extra diapers, wipes, disposable bags, drink bottles, baby formula, and any necessary medications. It’s also wise to bring a first-aid kit and any comfort items your child may need, like a favourite stuffed animal or blanket. Have extra luggage? Avoid airport rate excess baggage charges and the stress of running around and pre purchase any additional or overweight luggage.

3. Travel During Off-Peak Times

Consider travelling with kids during off-peak times to avoid crowded airports and long lines. Early morning or late-night flights can often be less hectic and more accommodating for families with children. Additionally, mid-week travel tends to be less crowded than weekends. Avoid going on standby lists as this creates uncertainty and anxiety. If you are travelling with Qantas, try and avail from the T80 rule and grab some of the best seats on board. Even paying for preferred seating can be beneficial.

4. Choose Family-Friendly Accommodations

Selecting the right accommodation can significantly impact your trip’s success. Look for hotels, resorts, or vacation rentals that cater to families. These establishments often offer amenities like children’s pools, play areas, and on-site dining options suitable for kids. Check the weather and ensure its not pouring down with rain at your destination, otherwise you will be limiting the amount of activities your kid might have. For example some of the cheap countries to travel to from Australia are in South East Asia. These countries have monsoon seasons with heavy rain falls. It’s important to know this information before you book.

5. Keep Snacks Handy

Hunger can quickly lead to cranky kids. To prevent meltdowns when travelling with kids, pack a variety of snacks that are easy to carry and won’t create a mess in your bags. Think granola bars, fruit slices, or small bags of crackers. Stash these snacks in a designated bag or pouch for quick access during travel.

6. Entertainment is Key

Long flights or car rides can be tiresome for children, so be prepared with entertainment options. Load up a tablet with their favourite movies or TV shows, bring colouring books, puzzles, or handheld gaming devices. Having a variety of entertainment choices can keep kids engaged and content during the journey.

7. Dress Comfortably

Ensure that your children are dressed in comfortable clothing for the trip. Avoid outfits with lots of buttons or layers, when travelling with kids as these can be cumbersome during security checks and restroom breaks. Layered clothing is a good choice, as it allows you to adjust to temperature changes easily.

8. Be Mindful of Time Zones

If you’re crossing multiple time zones, prepare your children for the time difference. Gradually adjust their schedules a few days before departure to help them acclimate. Once you arrive at your destination, try to stick to local time for meal and sleep schedules to help everyone adjust more quickly.

9. Embrace the Power of Technology

Smartphones and travel apps can be invaluable tools when travelling with children. Use apps to find family-friendly attractions, restaurants, and even restroom locations. Additionally, consider using GPS apps to keep track of your child’s location in crowded places, providing peace of mind.

10. Safety First

Safety should always be a top priority when travelling with children. In addition to general travel safety tips, make sure your child is properly secured in an appropriate car seat or booster seat during road trips. When exploring crowded areas or tourist spots, use safety harnesses or wristbands to prevent accidental separation.

11. Give Kids a Role

Engage your children in the travel experience by giving them responsibilities. Depending on their age, they can help with simple tasks like carrying a small backpack and learning how to pack light, choosing activities, or keeping an eye on their belongings. This not only empowers them but also makes them feel more involved in the journey.

12. Be Patient and Flexible

Flexibility is key when travelling with children. Expect that things may not always go as planned and be prepared to adapt to changing circumstances. Whether it’s a sudden tantrum or a change in the weather, keeping a calm and patient demeanour will help diffuse stressful situations.

13. Research Child-Friendly Activities

Before you travel, research activities and attractions that are suitable for children. Museums with interactive exhibits, zoos, botanical gardens, and local parks are great options. Look for venues that offer kid-friendly tours or programs to engage and educate your little ones.

14. Create Travel Journals

Encourage your children to document their travel experiences by creating travel journals or scrapbooks. Provide them with notebooks and art supplies to draw, write, or paste mementos from the trip. This not only keeps them engaged but also creates lasting memories.

15. Take Breaks

Long journeys can be exhausting for kids, so remember to schedule regular breaks. Whether you’re driving or flying, take time to stretch, walk around, and let your children burn off some energy. Plan stops at rest areas or airport play zones if available.

16. Involve Kids in Food Choices

Children can be picky eaters, so involve them in meal choices whenever possible. Look for family-friendly restaurants that offer a variety of options, including kid’s menus. Exploring local cuisine can also be a fun and educational experience for them.

17. Teach Cultural Respect

Travelling is an excellent opportunity to teach your children about different cultures and customs. Encourage them to ask questions and engage with locals respectfully. This can be a valuable learning experience that fosters cultural awareness and empathy.

18. Document the Journey

Capture the moments by taking plenty of photos and videos. Encourage your children to participate by giving them disposable cameras or letting them take photos with your smartphone. These visual memories will be cherished for years to come.

19. Maintain a Routine

While flexibility is crucial, try to maintain some semblance of your child’s usual routine, especially when it comes to sleep. Stick to regular bedtimes as closely as possible to ensure your child gets the rest they need, which can make a significant difference in their behaviour during the trip.

20. Stay Positive and Have Fun

Remember that travel with children is an adventure, and sometimes the most unexpected moments become treasured memories. Stay positive, keep your sense of humour intact, and focus on the joy of spending quality time together as a family.

How Do you Deal with Children on Aircrafts?

Dealing with children on aircraft can be a challenge, especially on long flights. However, with some preparation and strategies, you can help ensure a more comfortable and peaceful journey for both your child and your fellow passengers. Here are some tips for managing children on airplanes:

1. Book Seats Wisely:

When booking your flight, try to choose seats that are most suitable for your family. If you have an infant, consider booking a bassinet or bulkhead seat with extra legroom. Pay extra if you have to, it’s worth every penny. For older children, an aisle seat might be more convenient for quick trips to the restroom.

If you are travelling business class with children, ensure you select an aircraft where the seating is not isolating for the child. For example Emirates business class on board their 777-300 ER has a 2-3-2 configuration. These seats are great for families as they can be accessed through the same aisle and your children are within reach. Travelling on their A380 however, whilst is more superior can be more stressful both for the child and the parent. The seats are generally more isolated / private and accessed through seperate aisles.

2. Bring Entertainment:

Pack a variety of entertainment options to keep your child occupied during the flight. This could include colouring books, puzzles, electronic devices with headphones, favourite toys, or a selection of books. Download movies or shows before the flight, as in-flight Wi-Fi can be unreliable.

3. Snacks and Drinks:

Bring an assortment of snacks and an empty water bottle to fill up after passing through security. Familiar, easy-to-eat snacks can help soothe hungry and fussy children.

4. Comfort Items:

Don’t forget comfort items like a favourite blanket or stuffed animal. These can provide a sense of security and comfort, helping your child relax.

5. Choose Red Eye Flights:

Schedule Flights Strategically; consider scheduling your flights during times when your child is most likely to nap or sleep. Red-eye flights or flights during naptime can be a good choice.

6. Explain the Process:

Before the flight, explain to your child what to expect during the journey. Talk them through the security process, take-off, and landing. Demystifying the experience can reduce anxiety.

7. Ear Pressure:

Changes in air pressure during take-off and landing can be uncomfortable for children. Encourage them to chew gum, drink from a Sippy cup, or suck on a pacifier during these times to help equalize ear pressure.

8. Dress Comfortably:

Dress your child in comfortable layers and consider bringing an extra set of clothing in case of spills or accidents.

9. Seat Belts and Rules:

Ensure your child understands the importance of wearing a seatbelt during the flight and following the airline’s rules. Explain that it’s essential for their safety.

10. Engage with Flight Crew:

Don’t hesitate to ask flight attendants for assistance if needed. They are often experienced in dealing with children and can provide extra snacks, blankets, or help with any issues that may arise.

11. Limit Sugar:

While snacks can be a great way to keep children occupied, try to limit sugary treats as they may lead to energy spikes and crashes.

12. Keep Calm:

Children can pick up on your emotions, so staying calm and composed is essential. If your child becomes upset or fussy, try to soothe them calmly and quietly.

13. Use Electronic Devices Strategically:

While electronic devices can be great distractions, try to use them strategically. Save them for when your child is becoming restless or cranky to maximize their effectiveness.

14. Respect Other Passengers:

Be mindful of your fellow passengers. Apologize if your child is being disruptive and do your best to address the issue promptly. Most people will be understanding if they see you’re making an effort.

15. Potty Breaks:

If your child is potty-trained, ensure they use the restroom before boarding the plane. Onboard restrooms can be small and challenging to navigate with a child.

16. Medications and Comfort Aids:

If your child has any medical conditions or allergies, bring necessary medications and comfort aids. It’s always better to be over-prepared.

17. Follow the Rules:

Adhere to airline rules regarding car seats, booster seats, and any other safety requirements for children.

18. Positive Reinforcement:

Use positive reinforcement, such as small rewards or praise, for good behaviour during the flight.

Remember that every child is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Be patient and adaptable, and don’t be too hard on yourself if things don’t go perfectly. With the right preparation and a positive attitude, you can make air travel with children a more manageable experience for everyone involved.

Breastfeeding on a Flight

Breastfeeding your baby on a flight can be a bit challenging, but with some preparation and following these tips, you can make the process more comfortable for both you and your baby:

Plan ahead

Before your flight, make sure you have everything you need, such as extra diapers, a changing pad, a shawl or nursing cover (if you prefer to use one), and any necessary baby supplies.

Choose your seat wisely:

When booking your flight, try to select a seat that provides more privacy and space, such as a window seat or a bulkhead seat with extra legroom. Some airlines also offer seats with more privacy for nursing.

Time your feedings:

Try to time your baby’s feeding schedule so that you can nurse during takeoff and landing. The sucking and swallowing can help relieve ear pressure for your baby during these times.

Dress comfortably:

Wear comfortable clothing that allows easy access for nursing. Consider wearing a nursing bra and a top that can be easily lifted or unbuttoned.

Use a nursing cover (if desired):

If you prefer to use a nursing cover, make sure it’s lightweight and breathable to keep your baby comfortable. Some covers have a built-in wire at the neckline, making it easier to maintain eye contact with your baby.

Practice good latch:

Make sure your baby has a good latch to minimize any discomfort or nipple pain. A good latch also ensures that your baby gets enough milk.

Stay hydrated and eat well:

Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated during the flight. It’s essential to maintain your own energy levels and milk supply.

Be prepared for turbulence:

If there’s turbulence during the flight, be extra cautious while breastfeeding to ensure your baby’s safety.

Communicate with flight attendants:

Let the flight attendants know that you’ll be breastfeeding, and they may be able to provide you with some assistance, such as a pillow or extra blankets for added comfort.

Comfort your baby:

Bring your baby’s favorite comfort items, such as a pacifier or a small toy, to help soothe them during the flight.

Remember that many airlines and fellow passengers are understanding and supportive of breastfeeding mothers. If you encounter any issues or feel uncomfortable, don’t hesitate to ask for help or discuss your concerns with the flight crew. Your baby’s comfort and well-being are a top priority.


Travelling with children can be a rewarding and enriching experience when approached with careful planning, flexibility, and a positive attitude. By following these tips and embracing the adventure, you can create lasting memories and instil a love for travel in your children that will last a lifetime. So, pack your bags, hit the road, and embark on an unforgettable journey with your family!

Happy travels and remember don’t forget your travel insurance and never post your boarding pass on social media.


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