What is a Solopreneur?

What Is a Solopreneur?

We live in a world full of corporate giants, big companies and bustling businesses; but there’s a quiet hero on the rise – the solopreneur. A solopreneur is someone who runs their own business all by themselves. They are the captain of their ship, the boss of their world, and they do it all alone. Let’s take a look at what it means to be a solopreneur, why people choose this path, and how you can become one too.

The word says it all. A solopreneur is literally a “solo” entrepreneur! 

A solopreneur is simply a person who starts and operates a business on their own. It’s just them, their skills, their ideas, and their determination. They are the heart and soul of their business. Solopreneurs can be found in all sorts of fields, from freelance writers and artists to consultants, online shop owners, and more. The world is their oyster, and they’re ready to take it on, all by themselves.

What is the difference between a solopreneur and an entrepreneur?

Solopreneur and entrepreneur are related terms, but they refer to different approaches to business ownership. 

The primary distinction between a solopreneur and an entrepreneur is the scale and scope of their business operations, their approach to building a team, and their risk tolerance. Solopreneurs are individuals who run small, one-person businesses, while entrepreneurs often manage larger enterprises with the aim of growth, expansion, and innovation. Both paths have their merits and can be successful, depending on the individual’s goals and preferences.

What is an example of a solopreneur?

Solopreneurs engage in a wide range of work across various industries and niches. Here are some examples of the types of work that solopreneurs often pursue:

Graphic Design, Consulting, Photography, Web Development, Social Media Management, Digital Marketing, Online Retail including Drop Shipping, Event Planning, Coaching/Mentoring, Arts & Crafts, to name a few.

My Journey as a Solopreneur.

I began my journey as a solopreneur, running a small graphic design business. It was just me. I was the founder and i was also the employee. With those skills, I embarked on a journey to building websites and in turn built my own as a side hustle. I got into retail and created a successful online business from scratch. That’s when the entrepreneurial spirit set in and led me to build a million-dollar company, which I eventually sold, allowing me to retire at the age of 49. After a well-deserved break, I’ve returned to my roots in graphic design, picking up where I left off nearly 25 years ago. I’ve found myself craving the simplicity of solopreneurship once again, prioritizing a more subdued lifestyle without the challenges and demands of a larger enterprise.

What do Solopreneurs do?

Solopreneurs, by definition, are entrepreneurs who run and manage their own businesses independently. They handle all aspects of their business, often wearing many hats to keep their operations running smoothly. Here are some common activities that solopreneurs typically engage in:

Business Planning:

Solopreneurs create and execute business plans, setting their vision, goals, and strategies for growth.

Product or Service Development:

They develop, create, or offer products or services to their clients or customers. This could include designing, writing, coding, consulting, or providing various other services.


Solopreneurs are responsible for promoting their business. They may use the power of social media, content marketing, email marketing, and advertising to reach potential clients or customers.

Client or Customer Management:

They handle client or customer inquiries, onboarding, and relationships. This includes communication, setting expectations, and managing feedback.

Financial Management:

Solopreneurs are in charge of their own finances. They handle budgeting, pricing, invoicing, and bookkeeping.

Administrative Tasks:

They manage the day-to-day administrative tasks such as scheduling, record-keeping, and organizing their work.


Building and maintaining relationships with other professionals, potential clients, and industry peers is vital for a solopreneur’s success. They understand the power of networking and seek to use this powerful tool in their business venture.

Continuous Learning:

Keeping up-to-date with industry trends and expanding their skills is important for remaining competitive.

Problem Solving:

As the sole decision-maker, solopreneurs are responsible for identifying and solving any issues or challenges that arise in their business.

Time Management:

Efficiently managing their time and setting priorities is crucial for maintaining work-life balance and productivity.

Goal Setting:

They regularly set and adjust goals for their business, personal development, and financial growth.

Market Research:

To stay competitive and informed, solopreneurs often conduct market research to understand their target audience and industry trends.

Brand Building:

Building a personal or business brand can help solopreneurs stand out in their niche and attract customers or clients.

The specific activities that solopreneurs engage in can vary widely depending on their industry, niche, and personal goals. Some solopreneurs may focus on creative pursuits, while others may offer professional services or run online businesses. Solopreneurs are known for their versatility and ability to adapt to different roles to make their businesses successful.

Do Solopreneurs have employees?

Solopreneurs typically do not have employees. The defining characteristic of a solopreneur is that they operate their business entirely on their own, without the need for employees or partners. They handle all aspects of their business independently, including business development, client work, administrative tasks, and decision-making.

However, some solopreneurs may choose to outsource specific tasks or hire freelancers or contractors on a project-by-project basis when they need additional help for particular projects or services. This allows solopreneurs to maintain their independence while accessing external resources as needed.

It’s important to note that as a business grows, a solopreneur may eventually transition into an entrepreneurial role, which could involve hiring employees to help with the increasing workload and business expansion. At that point, the business may no longer be considered a solopreneurship, but rather a small business with employees. The decision to hire employees depends on the individual’s business goals and the nature of their work.

Is solopreneur and self employed the same thing?

In essence, all solopreneurs are self-employed, but not all self-employed individuals are solopreneurs. Solopreneurs represent a specific type of self-employment, characterized by individual entrepreneurship and often a focus on personal branding and innovation within a niche. Self-employment is a broader term that covers various forms of working for oneself, which may or may not involve entrepreneurial aspects.

What do Solopreneurs struggle with? What are some challenges?

While the life of a solopreneur can be rewarding, it’s not without its challenges:

Loneliness: Working alone can get lonely. You won’t have coworkers to chat with, so it’s important to find ways to stay connected with others.

Wearing Many Hats: As a solopreneur, you have to wear the 6 thinking hats all on your own! Do everything – from marketing to accounting to customer service. It can be overwhelming.

Uncertainty: Your income may not always be steady. There will be months when business is booming and others when it’s slow. Budgeting and planning are essential.

Burnout: With no one to share the workload, it’s easy to overwork yourself. It’s easy to want to quit on a bad day. Burnout is a real concern for solopreneurs.

Why Be a Solopreneur?

Independence: Solopreneurs enjoy a great deal of freedom. They get to make all the decisions and don’t need to answer to a boss or shareholders. They are the masters of their destiny.

Flexibility: They can set their own hours and work from wherever they want. This means they can better balance work and life.

Creativity: Solopreneurs have the creative freedom to shape their business according to their vision. They can experiment with new ideas and approaches without the red tape.

Direct Rewards: All the profits belong to them. They get to enjoy the fruits of their labor directly, without having to share it with others.

Passion: Many solopreneurs start businesses in areas they are passionate about, turning their hobbies and interests into profitable ventures.

Steps to Becoming a Solopreneur

1. Identify Your Passion: Start by thinking about what you love to do. What are you really good at? What could you see yourself doing for a long time? This is the foundation of your solopreneur journey.

2. Market Research: Before diving in, research the market to see if there’s a demand for your product or service. Are there people willing to pay for what you’re offering?

3. Business Plan: Create a simple business plan. It doesn’t have to be long or complicated. Just write down your goals, how you plan to achieve them, and how you’ll make money.

4. Legal Stuff: Depending on where you live, you might need to register your business, get licenses, or pay taxes. It’s important to stay legal.

5. Branding: Choose a catchy name and create a logo or a simple design that represents your business. This will help you stand out and be memorable.

6. Online Presence: In today’s digital world, having a website or a social media presence is crucial. You can use these platforms to showcase your work and connect with potential customers. Taking your business online and going digital is an absolute must.

7. Set Prices: Decide how much you’ll charge for your products or services. Make sure your pricing is competitive but fair.

8. Start Small: Don’t rush. Start small, and as your business grows, you can expand.

9. Learn and Adapt: You’ll face challenges, but every challenge is an opportunity to learn and adapt. Keep trying and don’t be afraid to make changes.


Becoming a solopreneur is a brave and rewarding endeavour. It’s a path where you get to be your own boss, follow your passion, and enjoy the fruits of your labour. While it comes with challenges, with the right mindset and determination, you can build a successful business all on your own. 


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