What is Bleisure?

Have you ever heard of a term called “bleisure”? It might sound like a made-up word, but trust me, it’s a real thing! Welcome, travel enthusiasts, to the world of “bleisure”! If you’re someone who loves to combine work and play during your trips, then you’re in for a treat. In this post, we’ll dive into the fascinating concept of bleisure and discover how it can add a touch of adventure and relaxation to your business travels. So fasten your seatbelts, pack your bags, and get ready to embark on a journey where work and pleasure unite!

What is Bleisure?

Bleisure is a fantastic concept that combines two awesome things: business and pleasure. Picture this: you’re on a work trip, attending meetings and conferences during the day, but when the workday ends, you get to explore new cities, try delicious food, visit amazing attractions, and have a blast! It’s like getting a mini-vacation while being productive. Bleisure is all about finding the perfect balance between work and play, so you can make the most of your travels. I recently achieved this whilst on a business trip to Europe. I took a 3 day escapade to a magnificent Island in Greece called Astypalaia. This butterfly shaped island is known for its initiatives to become the first green and sustainable island.

Benefits of Bleisure

Now, you might wonder why anyone would want to mix work with pleasure. Well, there are plenty of good reasons!

First of all, bleisure allows you to see new places and experience different cultures. Instead of being stuck in your hotel room, you can explore exciting destinations, visit famous landmarks, and immerse yourself in local customs, gathering and food. I remember being treated to the most amazing home cooked chicken maqlooba dish in Dubai whilst on a bleisure trip. The warmth and hospitality were simply amazing; all whilst chatting about business over dinner.

Bleisure also helps with work-life balance. By adding a touch of fun to your business trips, you can relieve stress and boost your mood. Plus, when you’re in a positive state of mind, you’re likely to perform better in your work-related tasks too. In fact here are some great business travel hacks to help you stay productive and relaxed.

If you are a business owner and employ staff you would know that covid bought with it the great resignation where people are seeking a better work-life balance. Bleisure is a great tool to address this issue. Be flexible and open to the idea.

Networking is also another major plus when travelling the world. Whether on business or leisure or both as a business owner your radars for opportunity should be on! Networking & building connections are paramount in the business world. There’s a diverse world out there that you can tap into that can bring unique opportunities to your business. Diversity and Inclusion are positives!

Another benefit of bleisure is that it allows you to extend your stay and make the most of your travel expenses. Since your company is covering the costs of your business trip, why not stay a bit longer and enjoy some leisure time? It’s a win-win situation!

Making the Most of Bleisure

Ready to become a bleisure expert? Here are some tips to help you make the most out of your future trips:

  1. Plan ahead: Before your trip, research the destination. Find out about local attractions, restaurants, and activities you’d like to try during your free time. Make a schedule, so you can balance your work commitments with your leisure activities.
  2. Communicate with your company: Discuss the possibility of bleisure with your employer. Make sure you’re clear about the purpose and duration of your trip. Seek their approval and understand any limitations or requirements they may have.
  3. Maximize your weekends: If your work schedule permits, plan your trip to include weekends. This way, you can explore the city without taking time off from work. It’s like having extra bonus days for adventure!
  4. Stay organized: Keep track of your work responsibilities and deadlines. Prioritize your tasks and allocate specific time slots for leisure activities. By staying organized, you can enjoy your bleisure experience without worrying about work piling up.
  5. Be adventurous: Try new things and step out of your comfort zone. Whether it’s tasting exotic cuisine, engaging in local traditions, or exploring hidden gems, embrace the spirit of adventure and make unforgettable memories.


Congratulations on discovering the incredible world of bleisure! By blending business and leisure, you can transform your work trips into extraordinary adventures. Bleisure allows you to explore new destinations, strike a healthy work-life balance, and optimize your travel investments.

Remember to plan strategically, and make the most of your weekends and downtime. It is also important to always remember to stay safe and secure while travelling. Incorporating bleisure into your travel routine opens up a world of possibilities where you can immerse yourself in new cultures, try exciting activities, and create lasting memories.

With bleisure, work trips no longer have to be mundane or solely focused on business. Instead, they become opportunities for personal growth, cultural exploration, and rejuvenation. By integrating elements of pleasure into your work travels, you can optimize your experiences, boost your productivity, and create a fulfilling work-life balance. Don’t forget to pack items for both your business and leisure needs. Follow my ultimate travel packing list which includes items that you may not have though of.

So, fellow travel enthusiasts, get ready to embark on a journey with some of the best airlines to fly to your destinations, where work and play intertwine in perfect harmony. Bleisure is the key to unlocking extraordinary adventures and making the most of your travel investments. Embrace this exciting concept, and let your business trips become unforgettable escapades filled with joy, discovery, and endless possibilities.

Happy bleisure travels!


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