Examples of Tall Poppy Syndrome in Australia

What is Tall Poppy Syndrome?

Tall Poppy Syndrome, a term originating from Australia, refers to a social phenomenon where people criticise or undermine those who have achieved notable success or distinction. Let’s take a look at some examples of Tall Poppy Syndrome, discuss why it’s called Tall Poppy Syndrome Australia, and explore how to deal with it from both ends.

Why Is It Called Tall Poppy Syndrome?

The term “Tall Poppy Syndrome” finds its roots in the metaphor of a field of poppies. In this context, the tall poppies are those who stand out due to their achievements. The metaphor implies that these tall poppies are at risk of being cut down or criticized, symbolizing the societal tendency to bring down those who excel.

Short Poppy Syndrome:

While Tall Poppy Syndrome is more commonly discussed, its counterpart, Short Poppy Syndrome, also exists. This term refers to a situation where individuals deliberately downplay their achievements or success to avoid standing out and becoming targets of criticism.

The Psychology Behind Tall Poppy Syndrome:

Understanding the psychology behind Tall Poppy Syndrome in Australia (and not only) involves recognizing the role of envy, competition, and societal norms. When people feel threatened or insecure about their own achievements, they may engage in Tall Poppy Syndrome as a way to level the playing field. Social psychologists often attribute this behaviour to a mix of individual insecurities and cultural attitudes.

Is Tall Poppy Syndrome Bad?

Whether Tall Poppy Syndrome is inherently “bad” is subjective. While some argue that it fosters humility and keeps success in check, others believe it stifles ambition and discourages individuals from reaching their full potential. The impact of Tall Poppy Syndrome largely depends on the context and how individuals respond to it.

Why Do Australians Have Tall Poppy Syndrome?

Australian tall poppy syndrome is often associated with Australian culture, and its roots can be traced back to the nation’s history of egalitarianism. Australia has a cultural tendency to value modesty and frown upon displays of arrogance or superiority. As a result, those who stand out may face criticism as a way of maintaining a sense of equality.

Tall Poppy Syndrome in Different Countries:

While Australia is commonly linked with Tall Poppy Syndrome, similar behaviours can be observed in various cultures worldwide. Countries with strong egalitarian traditions or collectivist values may be more prone to this phenomenon. However, the degree to which it manifests can vary, and cultural nuances play a significant role in shaping attitudes towards success.

Examples of Tall Poppy Syndrome:

Tall Poppy Syndrome manifests in various ways across different cultures and settings. For instance, when an accomplished colleague faces undue criticism or resentment from peers, it can be a classic case. Similarly, public figures, celebrities, or successful entrepreneurs might become targets of Tall Poppy Syndrome as their achievements draw attention.

Tall Poppy Syndrome in a workplace setting:

Imagine a team of colleagues working together on a project. Among them, there’s an individual named Alex who consistently produces high-quality work and receives recognition for their contributions. Alex is well-liked by the team and is seen as a valuable asset.

As the project progresses, Alex’s achievements become more noticeable, and they start to receive praise not only from the team but also from higher-ups in the company. This success, however, triggers Tall Poppy Syndrome among some of Alex’s colleagues.

Instead of celebrating Alex’s accomplishments, a few individuals in the team begin to downplay Alex’s achievements or criticize their work. Some might make subtle, sarcastic remarks, while others may actively seek out flaws to highlight. The motive behind this behavior is often rooted in envy or insecurity, as these individuals feel threatened or overshadowed by Alex’s success.

In extreme cases of Tall Poppy Syndrome, the negative attitudes from colleagues could escalate to gossip, spreading rumors, or even attempts to undermine Alex’s credibility within the team. This is where the office politics begin. The underlying sentiment is a reluctance to see one person stand out or excel, leading to efforts to cut down the metaphorical “tall poppy.”

Tall Poppy Syndrome in a social setting:

Consider a group of friends who have known each other for years. Within this group, there’s an individual named Taylor who has recently achieved a significant personal milestone, like starting a successful business. Taylor is excited to share this accomplishment with their friends, hoping for support and celebration.

However, upon hearing the news, instead of expressing happiness for Taylor, a few friends in the group start making subtle comments that undermine the achievement. Moreover, they might downplay the significance of Taylor’s success or bring up unrelated issues to distract from the positive news. In addition, the friends may avoid congratulating Taylor altogether or make sarcastic remarks implying that the success is overrated.

This behavior stems from a sense of envy or insecurity within the friends who are exhibiting Tall Poppy Syndrome. They may feel threatened by Taylor’s success, consciously or subconsciously, and attempt to diminish the accomplishment to maintain a sense of equality within the group.

Tall Poppy Syndrome example in the academic setting:

Imagine a group of students in a competitive college environment. Among them is a student named Jordan, who consistently excels academically, earning top grades and receiving recognition for their achievements. Jordan is known for their dedication to studies and involvement in extracurricular activities.

As the semester progresses, Jordan’s success becomes more apparent, leading to the emergence of Tall Poppy Syndrome among some classmates. Instead of admiring Jordan’s hard work and success, a few students start spreading rumours that Jordan must be receiving preferential treatment from professors or using unethical means to secure good grades. They may make sarcastic remarks about Jordan’s involvement in extracurricular activities, insinuating that it’s a distraction from “real” academic pursuits.

The motive behind this behaviour is rooted in jealousy and insecurity among those exhibiting Tall Poppy Syndrome. Instead of celebrating Jordan’s academic achievements, they attempt to diminish them, casting doubt on the legitimacy of Jordan’s success.

How to Deal with Tall Poppy Syndrome:

Coping with Tall Poppy Syndrome involves a combination of self-awareness and resilience. One effective strategy is to focus on personal growth and continuous improvement rather than seeking constant validation. Building a strong support network and maintaining humility can also serve as buffers against the negativity associated with Tall Poppy Syndrome.

Here’s how to deal with Tall Poppy Syndrome if you are on the receiving end:

1. Maintain Humility:

Instead of responding defensively or boasting about the promotion, remain humble. Acknowledges the efforts of the entire team and expresses gratitude for the support received. It’s worth to note that sometimes it’s best to be smart not right. There is a distinct difference between the two.

2. Stay Focused on Work:

Rather than getting caught up in office gossip or negativity, channel the energy into staying focused on the job. Continue to produce high-quality work and contributes positively to the team’s goals.

3. Build a Support Network:

Recognizing the importance of a strong support system, build relationships with colleagues who appreciate hard work and success. These positive connections provide a counterbalance to the negativity surrounding Tall Poppy Syndrome. Strong support systems are crucial for resilience. Building resilience helps you overcome challenges, adversity and setbacks.

4. Address Concerns Calmly:

If confronted directly with criticism, calmly address concerns without becoming confrontational. Emotional intelligence is key here. Emphasise the collaborative nature of the work or offer to help colleagues who may be struggling.

5. Seek Mentorship:

To navigate the challenges of professional jealousy, seek guidance from a mentor or a more experienced colleague. This mentor may provide valuable insights on handling workplace dynamics and personal growth.

6. Promote a Positive Culture:

Recognise the impact of a positive and fair and equal workplace culture. Actively contribute to fostering a collaborative and supportive environment. This involves recognizing and celebrating the achievements of colleagues and promoting teamwork.

8. Maintain Open Communication:

Maintain open lines of communication with colleagues, encouraging them to express concerns directly rather than resorting to gossip or negative comments. This creates an atmosphere where issues can be addressed constructively.

Here’s how to avoid exhibiting Tall Poppy Syndrome:

1. Acknowledge and Celebrate:

Instead of downplaying or ignoring success, take a moment to acknowledge and genuinely celebrate the achievements. This positive attitude sets the tone for a supportive work environment.

2. Offer Congratulations:

Go beyond mere acknowledgment by personally congratulating. A simple, sincere congratulations fosters a positive relationship and reinforces a culture of mutual support.

3. Express Interest:

Take the opportunity to express genuine interest in achievements. Ask about the process or details of the successful project and show that success is not perceived as a threat but rather as an opportunity for shared learning.

4. Learn from Success:

Instead of feeling threatened, look at success as a chance to learn and improve. Seek advice or insights and recognize that shared success benefits the entire team.

5. Avoid Negative Comments:

Refrain from making negative comments or sarcastic remarks about someone’s success. Negative comments contribute to a toxic work environment and can damage relationships within the team.

6. Encourage Others to Celebrate:

Recognize that the team’s success is interconnected and actively encourage other colleagues to participate in celebrating achievements. This proactive approach contributes to creating a culture where success is viewed as a collective effort.

7. Focus on Personal Growth:

Instead of comparing oneself unfavourably, focus on personal growth and improvement. Setting individual goals and working towards them helps channel any competitive feelings into positive self-development.

8. Offer Support:

If you face challenges or additional responsibilities due to the success, offer support rather than viewing it as a burden. This collaborative approach strengthens teamwork and fosters a positive work environment.


Tall Poppy Syndrome is a complex social phenomenon with deep-rooted psychological and cultural underpinnings. By understanding its dynamics, recognising examples, and adopting effective coping strategies, individuals can navigate the challenges associated with standing out and achieving success in a society that sometimes tends to cut down the tall poppies. If we can master a balance on both ends, we can achieve great things.


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